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Afrint III continues the work of Afrint I and II, through the collection of a third round of survey data among the Afrint households in Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia. The research is now focused into three sub-projects in rural areas:  one in Ghana and Kenya (Poverty effects of income diversification in Kenya and Ghana) funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsråde - 2025-03-07


African small-scale agriculture at the cross-road? Staple food production, agricultural diversification and poverty reduction. With continuing food insecurity and a rise of extreme poverty, according to the UN, Sub-Saharan Africa is the epicentre of crisis amongst regions and countries showing little progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Poverty on the continent is still rurally - 2025-03-07


African food security has become an increasing concern during the last decade. Reports are regularly appearing about famine and hunger in countries south of the Sahara. Pessimism is widespread about the possibilities for the continent to feed its growing population. Until recently, optimism about Asian development on the other hand seemed boundless, and Asia is considered the emerging centre of th - 2025-03-07

Beyond GDP growth

Research project in Human Ecology Project's title: Beyond GDP growth: Scenarios for sustainable building and planning.Period: 2014-2018Contact person: Alf HornborgResearchers in the project:Alf Hornborg External researchersProject's websiteOverviewIn policies for sustainable urban development, continued GDP growth is generally taken for granted. Sustainable growth is an overall political goal. How - 2025-03-07

Cluster life cycles (CIRCLE)

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: Cluster life cycles – the role of actors, networks and institutions in emerging, growing, declining and renewing clustersProject's duration: 2011-2014Contact person: Bjørn AsheimResearchers in the project:Bjørn AsheimJerker MoodyssonRoman MartinOverviewThe project is funded by European Science Foundation/Swedish Research Council. - 2025-03-07


Research project in Human Ecology Project's title: Environmental Justice Organisations, Liabilities and Trade Project's duration: 2011-2015Contact person: Alf HornborgResearchers in the project:Alf Hornborg Rikard WarleniusMartin OuluResearch project's homepageOverviewAs global consumption of resources and human populations increase, the search for energy and materials cause the “commodity frontie - 2025-03-07

Extra- and intra-regional mechanisms in technology shift processes

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: Extra- and intra-regional mechanisms in technology shift processesProject's duration: 2010-Contact person: Karl-Johan LundquistResearchers in the project:Lars-Olof OlanderKarl-Johan LundquistMartin HenningMikhail Martynovich OverviewThe project is funded by funded by Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and faculty means. - 2025-03-07


Research project in Human Geography and Human Ecology Project's title: Financialisation, economy, society and sustainable development Project's duration: 2011-2016Contact person: Eric ClarkResearchers in the project:Eric ClarkAnders Lund Hansen Henrik Gutzon LarsenAlf HornborgKenneth HermeleIlia FarahaniOverviewFESSUD is a multidisciplinary, pluralistic project which aims to forge alliances across - 2025-03-07

Knowledge about the role of the garden in the own-your-own-home movement in Sweden 1905-1936

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: Knowledge about the role of the garden in the own-your-own-home movement in Sweden 1905-1936 and its applications in the discussion on sustainable development and well-being in cities of todayProject's duration: 2013-2015 Contact person: Tomas GermundssonResearchers in the project:Tomas GermundssonAnna JakobssonOverviewA large number of stately - 2025-03-07

Indigenous peoples and climate change

Research project in Human Ecology Project's title: Indigenous peoples and climate changeProject's duration: 2014-2017Contact person: Anders BurmanResearchers in the project:Dan RosengrenAnders BurmanKarsten PaerregaardOverviewIndigenous peoples’ understandings of weather and climate often differ from Western meteorology. This project aims to investigate contact and cooperation between indigenous p - 2025-03-07

Rising Sea Levels – the planning and design of an uncertain landscape

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: Rising Sea Levels – the planning and design of an uncertain landscapeProject's duration: 2012-2014Contact person: Tomas GermundssonResearchers in the project:Tomas GermundssonKristina Blennow (SLU)Carola Wingren (SLU)OverviewThe project aims at analyzing the current planning of the coastal landscape in the light of the growing awareness of risin - 2025-03-07


Philip Dodds är, förutom föreståndare för Ljudmiljöcentrum, forskare vid Avdelningen för musikvetenskap och intermediala studier vid Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, och arbetar med forskningsprojektet ”Musikalisk kolonisering: Skottar och svenskar i södra Afrika, 1770–1850”, som finansieras av Vetenskapsrådet. Detta är ett sound studies-projekt med fokus på kulturhistoria. Han har tidigare ar - 2025-03-07

Aktiviteter 2019

Positioning noise The Impossible Run - can a blind man run alone? Negotiating Noise: Manifesting possible futures See the Sound! - Visualisation of sound in society, research, art & music The Aesthetic Expression of Music Research - Art as a result and process of thought Sounding Museums - An interdisciplinary symposium on the functions and aesthetics of sound in museums - 2025-03-07

See the Sound!

Visualisation of sound in society, research, art & music 2019-05-24 genomförde Ljudmiljöcentrum det tvärvetenskapliga symposiet "See the Sound - visualisation of sound in society, research, art & music"   See the Sound - Visualisation of sound in society, research, art & music Visuella representationer av ljud har idag blivit både viktiga och vanligt förekommande i och med digitalisering av ljud- - 2025-03-07

Ljudmiljöcentrums styrelse

Ljudmiljöcentrum leds av en styrelse. Ljudmiljöcentrums styrelse har inom ramen för institutionsorganisationen det övergripande ansvaret för verksamheten, anger närmare riktlinjer för denna, fastställer årlig verksamhetsplan samt framlägger budget och verksamhetsredovisning. Ljudmiljöcentrums budget godkänns årligen av styrelsen för Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper. Styrelsen ska vara tvärveten - 2025-03-07

Sounding Museums

An interdisciplinary symposium on the functions and aesthetics of sound in museums 2019-04-09 Sound Environment Centre hosted the interdisciplinary symposium on the functions and aesthetics of sound in museums. Sounding MuseumsWithin recent years sound has played a more and more prominent role in museums. Fine art galleries now integrate sound as part of the aesthetic expressions exhibited meanwhi - 2025-03-07


2025 STYRELSEORDFÖRANDEKristoffer MattissonMed.dr. Avdelningen för arbets- och miljömedicin, Lunds universitet.STYRELSELEDAMÖTERGunnar CerwénFil.dr. & landskapsarkitekt, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU). Hedvig JalhedFil.dr i Scenisk gestaltning. Tillförordnad föreståndare för Inter Arts Center, Lunds universitet.Sandra KopljarBiträdande universitetslektor vid Institutionen för arkitektur och b - 2025-03-07

Prenumeration LMCs nyhetsbrev

Välkommen att bli prenumerant på Ljudmiljöcentrums Nyhetsbrev!Vi skickar regelbundet ut nyhetsbrev till våra prenumeranter med kort information som rör LMCs verksamhet, aktiviteter och utlysningar samt även nyheter om forskning, utlysningar, seminarier, konferenser och innovationer på ljudmiljöområdet inom och utom Lunds universitet.Ljudmiljöcentrum (LMC) vid Lunds universitets behandling av dina - 2025-03-07


Ljudmiljöcentrums publikationer Ljudmiljöcentrums publikationer publiceras bland annat i en skriftserie. Alla våra publikationer kan laddas ned på OBLU (Open Books at Lund University). Länk till OBLU Publicerade arbeten är bland annat seminarievolymer och forskningsrapporter. Texterna i rapportserien är tillkomna i samband med tvärvetenskapliga seminarier arrangerade av Ljudmiljöcentrum kring fråg - 2025-03-07

Negotiating Noise: Positioning noise

Lund: 19 November 2019 2019-11-19 and 2019-11-20 organised Sound Environment Centre, in collaboration with the University of Nottingham, a workshop with invited scholars and practitioners from various disciplines to exchange thoughts, experiences and knowledge on ‘noise’ in its widest sense. The workshop run for two days framed by two public symposiums: one introducing the field; the other pointin - 2025-03-07